Battling the Fridge Beast: A Healthy Eating Journey

A real but extremely funny ‘I am trying to be healthy, but my fridge keeps trying to sabotage me’ is a look at the everyday battles we all engage in trying to get our health back on track. The temptation in the fridge or the fight between our intentions and our eating cravings is a good read about the trickery of food storage, and the food appears to orchestrate against our wellness goals.

Eating healthy is a hard journey, and my fridge is going out to get me. Here are a few ways my refrigerator seems to have a mind of its own:

Let’s discuss it!

Leftover Temptations

an image of Leftover Temptations

When I open the fridge, there they stare me down, begging to be devoured: my sad, microwaveable leftovers in my leftover takeout containers. Falling back into the crappy, cheesy, greasy meals isn’t that hard.

Sneaky Sugars

an image of Sneaky Sugars

There’s plenty of room behind all those other sugary snacks that want to be found for healthy snacks. But almost as though the guy who put them there just tried to distract me. There’s a chocolate bar in the candy drawer, and I’ve noticed I’m picking it up instead of the fresh fruit next to it.

Mysterious Expirations

I’ll always go and get it and forget about it. The back is full of wilted vegetables, forgotten yogurt, now expired. It’s wanting one thing and doing another. Cleaning out the fridge isn’t fun, but it’s needed, and it gives us the space for new ideas.

Inadequate Organization

When you are not organized, healthy foods are so easy to get lost in the shuffle. When my fridge is all over the place with aisles full of all kinds of junk food, I need to remember that I have healthy options, and I get impulsive and unhealthy.

The Processed Food Overstocking

When I’m shopping for groceries in bulk, I don’t even think about it sometimes. I find my fridge often turns into a cesspool of processed foods, and choosing healthier food when it’s a rush really becomes harder.

I’ve gotten into the habit of meal prepping and making healthier foods more accessible than the junk that’s buried in the back of the cupboard. After doing some research, I’m sure it’s a small change, but for me, it really is a big deal and a big difference in my future of better health!

The following video explains about The Processed Food Overstocking:


So finally, eating healthy is often a tedious game, and surely my fridge is working against me, too. I know the temptations and the roadblocks to control. Stale takeout, hidden sugary snacks, clutter chaos. But I can take action to gain control back.

If I do all of the above, namely, meal prepping regularly, cleaning out the expired items, and filling my fridge with healthy options – however, at the front — my fridge can be my supportive ally, not my saboteur. It’s just simple strategies that make it all work.


Q1: What do I do when fridge temptation hits the over?

If you use a lot of them at a time, store leftovers by portioning them into single servings first. Since I know the prices, I know what a healthy option in food will cost, so it does make it easier to not overeat with your food option without the temptation to do so.

Q2: Where do I put my hidden sugary snacks?

Sugary stuff should be out of sight and out of reach, and healthy snacks should go at eye level. You can even choose to create an area for treats.

Q3: How often do you need to clean out the fridge?

Secondly, try to clean your fridge once or twice a week. Pay attention to the watch expiration dates of your goods, throw away things you can determine you will throw away, and make space for trash healthy goods.

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